Kennel Connection Educational Blogs
Welcome to the first Kennel Connection blog. We strive to be more than just a software provider. You can count on us to provide educational information that ranges from kennel management to general tips and tricks for operating a successful business. As you likely know, running a business is a lot of work. While our robust software can help you with many aspects of your business, there are many other components of your business such as marketing and advertising that determine your level of success.
While you might be an expert in kennel management or pet care, you might not be an expert on website management. Terms like SEO might seem confusing to you. We will teach you about things like Search Engine Optimization to make sure when people are searching for pet care service that you offer, your business name will be served up first on Google.
Some of our educational blogs will focus on day-to-day management such as suggestions for business telephone manners. These educational blogs can be used to train youthful employees who might be great with pets but have no experience answering a business phone.
Social media can be a great marketing tool for your business, or it can cut like a knife when someone gives you a bad review on Yelp or Facebook. We’ll teach you how to respond to bad reviews as well as sharing with you the importance of both reading and responding to social media reviews about your business. Whether they are good or bad, they should be acknowledged.
You will find a new educational blog posted on our website every month. We also share our blogs on social media, and we will always send the latest blog to you by email. Be sure to share our blog with colleagues who might benefit with the important information offered on our blog. We are dedicated to serving the pet care industry and all aspects of growing your pet care business. If you have a topic that you would like us to cover, drop us an email – [email protected].